What we know today as The Cochin Orthopaedic Society began in 1984 when three, young and enterprising orthopaedic surgeons decided to have an exclusive orthopaedic specialty monthly meeting following one of the IMA meetings. Dr. M K Mani, Dr. Lazar J Chandy, and Dr. Nandakumar recognized the need for a platform to share and discuss new and ground breaking practice in Orthopaedics. It was also a conscious effort to bring the small fragmented fraternity of orthopaedic surgeons into one family and share a comradeship. So in October 1984, the first meeting was held, in the then IMA hall on Warriam Road, Ernakulam, to a congregation of 19 orthopaedic surgeons practising in and around Ernakulam. Cochin Orthopaedic Association was born.
The monthly meetings, held on the first Wednesday of every month, became well attended scientific sessions with a view box in the front for displaying X-Rays and an opportunity to engage in stimulating academic discussions. The meetings culminated in dinner and fellowship with the expenses being met by the Dutch system. The meetings gained momentum as more and more new members were inspired by the drive and commitment of the old comrades.
In the early nineties, the dream of bringing IOACON to Kerala was set into motion, an initiative which saw the successful hosting of the IOACON 1997 in Kochi under the aegis of the KOA and the capable leadership of Dr. Paulose Chacko as the organizing secretary. Meanwhile, the association also held KOACON in year 1991 and 2000 respectively. Many more scientific extravaganzas were held in the coming years including OASICON 2009.
The Cochin Orthopaedic association meanwhile become the Cochin Orthopaedic Society (COS) with a membership of over 150 members. COS spearheaded into the twenty-first century and entered into the digital age with case presentations going digital. Cochin Orthopaedic Society became a registered charitable society in 2009 and got a PAN number for proper and transparent accounting.